Site condition and design

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Title: Site condition and design

Authors: Alex Chandel, etc

Stewards: Alex Chandel, etc

Date Revised: 1/14/2014


All chemical processes require land for chemical storage, process equipment, and labor facilities.

Geographical selection

The location surrounding a chemical plant can substantially influence its construction costs and operating costs, and may affect long-term profitability. Thus it is important to choose an appropriate location for every facility.

Factors considered

Natural resources

Proximity to continental and underwater oil deposits, natural gas, coal mines, and other resources.


Its influence on ambient temperature and thus on utility cost.[ citation needed ] Also rain and humidity, and the sensitivity of the process to water exposure.

Proximity to related chemical operations

Oil rigs are found in the gulf, and oil refineries on its shore. Biofuel production plants are found in the midwest.[ citation needed ]

Laws and regulations

Some states are more friendly to chemical engineering operations, or may impose additional regulations. Property costs, property taxes, corporate income taxes, and environmental contamination fines will vary between states.


All of the above criteria ultimately influence the capital and operating costs of a plant, and its expected lifespan.

Common locations

Common chemical plant locations include:

The Gulf of Mexico

Texas - petrochemical refineries




(Arabian peninsula)


Site design

Once a region is selected, the building and process equipment themselves must be laid out.


Areas with greater land costs require vertically oriented equipment.[ citation needed ]